+32 465 091 449
Stationsstraat 357, 1770 Liedekerke - Belgium

There are advantages to buying a flat in the Canary Islands.

  • Lock up and leave: With the stress and rush of life, this type of flat is definitely on the rise. This means as much as being able to leave your flat and return without worry. For example, some people do not want a flat or house that is remote because there are periods when the flat or house is empty. Safety is paramount in a flat, considering the social control of the neighbours.
  • Less maintenance: In general, a flat means less maintenance than a house. Especially the outdoor spaces make a huge difference. A terrace or a small city garden as opposed to a large plot is a difference in maintenance. Of course, this is all about what you want and expect from your flat or house in the Canary Islands.
  • Comunidad: Many people like to swim in a pool, but do not want to take on the maintenance of it. If you don't mind paying a six-monthly or yearly fee for the maintenance of the communal grounds and facilities, this is the option for you. The social contacts that are made at the communal pool or bar are a bonus.

Tip: Always prefer a good comunidad with a proper contribution. That way, the common parts are maintained for you! Cheap is certainly not always better here.

Buy a flat in the Canary Islands with the help of Casaconsult

If you would like more information about buying one of the flats in the Canary Islands, please contact us. Contact us.

Even if you do not immediately find something that suits you, it is worthwhile to send us an e-mail. We always have flats in the Canary Islands that we have just started and which are not yet immediately online. Together we can discuss what your needs and expectations are, so that you can act immediately when your dream property comes on the market.